Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Oh Baby! Letterboxes
(Mont Trembant, QC, Canada)

Before we begin, an explanation is in order. I had planned to hide these stamps in our backyard and provide the kids with the clues to find them. That was the plan - a clever (I thought) way to let the kids know that the Z Crew team will grow by one early next year. However, the kids learned the big news accidentally (you saw that one coming), ruining my plan for the stamps. New plan: since we were already going to Mont Tremblant for a vacation, I decided to hide the stamps at the summit. Since the stamps are small, I have included two in each box.

Box #1: Your journey begins in the pedestrian village. Take the gondola to the top of the mountain. After you exit the gondola, walk left toward the 360º Observation Tower. Both boxes can be found along “Le Manitou”, the easiest hiking trail on Mont Tremblant (marked with an “A” on the trail map shown here). Follow “Le Manitou” in a clockwise manner using the visual clues below. I’ve made the boxes fairly simple to locate. Since you’ve already traveled all the way to Canada and taken the gondola to the highest point in the Laurentians, you shouldn’t have to work all that hard to find the boxes. Besides, there aren’t many boxes in Quebec and I’d like to make the hobby accessible to new boxers.

You’ll see this sign on your left. Keep walking.

Next, you'll pass this sign (also on your left).

You’re almost there. Just up the steps.

Go to the far corner of the bench.

Look under the platform, behind that large, suspicious rock. You’ll find box #1 there.

Box #2: From the bench, continue following the trail in a clockwise manner. Eventually, you’ll see a faint trail on your right, next to a large rock (see it there behind the greenery?). Maybe you should follow this trail to see what’s behind the rock.

What do you know? There are more rocks behind that rock you saw just off the main trail. Look under the bottom rock and you’ll find box #2 (you can see it peeking out from behind the right side of the rock in the photo).

A closer view.

Keep following the trail clockwise and you’ll soon find yourself at the base of the 360º Observation Tower. Take some time to enjoy the view before you ride the gondola (or hike) back down to the pedestrian village.

Stamps are store-bought.

Please bring your own inkpad and pen.

These boxes will probably be unreachable from late fall until early spring (or whenever the snow melts).

If you have any questions, please contact


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